Once you’ve completed setting up your post, it’s time to publish it. Make sure you choose a suitable day of the week! Publish it early in the week. According to research, the best day is Tuesday. Whatever you do, don’t publish your post at the weekend or close to the end of the week! Once […]
Once you’ve published your post, it’s time to email the authors you linked to in your Avalanche Article. The aim is to get them to send out a Tweet or mention your article on Facebook or other social media. In general, you can expect about 50% of the authors to respond. The first thing to think about is the […]
Do you know how many people read your blog posts on average? I bet you don’t! It’s important, though. Because this is a metric with which you can track your blogging success. The easiest way to collect your visitor stats is by using the plugin Jetpack with its inbuilt program, Site Stats. Most WordPress sites […]
It’s important to make your post attractive to readers right from the start. You need to create: A great headline A compelling intro An interesting development A conclusion with a call to action Craft a headline that intrigues The headline should include the number of items in the post. Here are some examples: 33 Top […]
Can you imagine getting an ad in the New York Times for free? Impossible, right? Wrong! When I sent a blogger friend of mine to this link, there was a long silence on Skype. Then he said, “How the freak did you pay for an ad in the New York Times?” I then showed him […]
In this lesson, you’ll learn how to plan an avalanche post that will give you huge rewards. Your avalanche post needs to be as comprehensive as possible. If you can come up with 100 posts in a topic area, you will be more successful than if you build an avalanche post with 50 or 30 linked posts. Let’s see […]
Once you’ve settled on a topic for your avalanche post, you need to set up a system to collect the posts you want to showcase. The best way to do this is in form of a spreadsheet. You’ll need five columns. 1. Name – this is the name of the post. 2. URL – the […]
For your avalanche post of 100 links, you need to know where to find excellent posts to link to. Here are some excellent sources. Buzzsumo Buzzumo is a paid tool, but you can use some of its functionality for free. It shows which posts had the most buzz in social media. I used it to research top […]
Do you want more traffic? I’m sure you do! It can be quite difficult for smaller blogs to get traction and attract the traffic they deserve. In this course, you’ll learn how to dramatically ramp up traffic to your blog. I’ve tried this strategy twice, some years apart. Each time, the effect was amazing. The […]
There are lots of different strategies for traffic generation. Some work best when a blog is still small, whereas others are best used when a blog has matured and has at least a 4-figure subscription base. The great advantage of the Traffic Avalanche Strategy is that you can use it at any time. It doesn’t […]