In this module you’ll get the overview of how to set up your Traffic Avalanche. A recent case study in which traffic increased by 503% will get you excited!
Do you know how many people read your blog posts on average? I bet you don’t! It’s important, though. Because this is a metric with which you can track your blogging success. The easiest way to collect your visitor stats is by using the plugin Jetpack with its inbuilt program, Site Stats. Most WordPress sites […]
Do you want more traffic? I’m sure you do! It can be quite difficult for smaller blogs to get traction and attract the traffic they deserve. In this course, you’ll learn how to dramatically ramp up traffic to your blog. I’ve tried this strategy twice, some years apart. Each time, the effect was amazing. The […]
There are lots of different strategies for traffic generation. Some work best when a blog is still small, whereas others are best used when a blog has matured and has at least a 4-figure subscription base. The great advantage of the Traffic Avalanche Strategy is that you can use it at any time. It doesn’t […]
If you don’t yet have a lead magnet to give away to convert visitors to subscribers, here is a work-around. What you can do is to promise the lead magnet you are planning to create, but defer delivering it. This has to be done very carefully so that your readers aren’t disappointed. Below, you’ll see […]