MODULE 4: Acceleration Strategies to Double Your Subscription Rate
This module guides you through strategies for building subscriber signup momentum on your established blog. Learn the pros and cons, and the how-to’s, of subscriber incentives, popup boxes and more.
Here are four strategies that will ensure the continued growth of your blog once it is established. Find out why these strategies work so well, and how to set them up so you can sit back and forget about them while your blog growth accelerates.
Check out some stats on what a difference it made for one blog to offer a subscriber incentive. Here are some ideas on incentives you can offer, and the technical details on how to make these available to your readers to make them rush to subscribe to your blog!
If you are using Aweber or Mailchimp to build your mailing list, here are step-by-step instructions to integrate freebie subscriber incentive into the graphics you are using to collect email addresses. Offering an incentive will significantly increase the number of signups.
Use this checklist to make sure you have implemented the lessons in this course. It’s important to act on your learning. Applying what you’ve learned in this course will prime you for the next step – monetizing your blog!