Course Conclusion – Skyrocket Your Subscriber Count

You’ve reached the end of “Skyrocket Your Subscriber Count”. Congratulations!

If you’ve worked through this course carefully, and taken action to implement these tactics on your blog, you’ve probably already noticed a significant increase in your subscriber signup rate.

As your list grows, your blog grows in credibility and in its potential to earn an income. It’s as simple as that. Before moving on to the next course, review the many steps you can take to build a strong and engaged subscriber following for your blog.

Can you implement any more of these steps? Take action now, or outline a plan so that your blog can benefit from these proven techniques.

  • Have you installed a sharebar on your blog so that readers can easily share your posts on social media?
  • Have you created a presence on at least one social networking site and implemented a social media strategy so that you and your blog garner attention on social media? Have you learned how to use at least one automated tool so you can streamline your time spent networking on social media?
  • How many of the five basic lift-off strategies are you carrying out on a regular basis? Remember, the synergy created from implementing all five steps will definitely grow your blog.
  • Are you engaging at least one booster strategy, such as guest posting, allying with other bloggers, setting up social media outpost sites, or incorporating SEO techniques into your posts? Which one? Do you have a plan to do more?
  • Have you created and added a signup form to your sidebar and at the bottom of every post?
  • Which of the four “Fix and Forget” acceleration strategies have you implemented on your blog?
  • Have you already created a subscriber incentive for your blog and set up FeedburnerAweber or Mailchimp for easy delivery to your new subscribers? If not, do you have a plan in place to create such an incentive as soon as possible? Or can you articulate your reasons why you do not wish to have such an incentive on your blog?

If you’ve taken action on all the above steps, your list is growing and you are ready to move on to the next course: Make Money Blogging!