Where to Guest Blog?

So many different blogs out there – with more popping up on the scene every day.

How do you know which blogs to send your guest posts to?

Should you focus exclusively on blogs firmly inside your niche? Should you go ahead and send your post to your favorite huge blog?

If you’re new to guest blogging, your best bet is to start small. Hone your  skills by writing for blogs similar in size to yours, or even better, target blogs with a readership of about double that of your own blog.

If you have 50 subscribers, look for blogs with about 100 subscribers. If you have 400 subscribers, scout around for blogs with 800 or so readers.

In Module 2 you’ll learn some effective techniques for finding blogs that fit your criteria, and that have audiences that will be interested in your blog.

Sometimes a blogger may actually thank you for offering to guest post for them. You could be doing them a favor by allowing them to take a break from their own rigorous posting schedule. Additionally you’ll bring a fresh voice and a fresh topic slant to their blog. Another plus for your host blogger is that you will help drive traffic to their blog.

That’s another reason to target smaller blogs at first – they will be grateful for the traffic spike your post can bring them. Larger blogs may not be all that impressed with the amount of traffic you can bring. So you need different strategies to get those bloggers’ attention.

A great idea for new guest bloggers to arrange guest post exchanges. You have a network of other bloggers right here on A-List. Why not start a ‘Guest Post Exchange’ thread on the forum and set up some guest post trades today?


Think Outside the Niche


Once you’ve cut your teeth on some smaller blogs, you can begin to work your way up to writing for sites with a larger readership. Of course it’s important to target blogs in your niche, but you can also look for blogs with a readership that complements your own.

In other words, guest blogging in other niches can still bring you subscribers. The trick is to find the ‘sweet spot’ where the two niches overlap. For example, if your blog is about health, you could write for a parenting blog with some health tips for children.

In fact, it’s a good idea to stretch yourself outside of your own specific niche – this will enhance the quality of your connections and most importantly, give you a chance to reel in an exponentially greater number of subscribers.

Are you starting to get an idea on where to go guest posting? You might just now be wondering how on earth you can find ideas on what to write about on another blog. Up next.



Author: A-List Team