Introduction: How to Make Your Blog a Cash Machine

When I started out as a rookie blogger, I couldn’t see how one could possibly earn an income on the Internet. Because in the first six months, only a handful of people ever read my posts on Goodlife Zen, and I only earned a few cents.

And it didn’t get much better after Leo Babauta gave me half his blog, Write to Done: I still only earned about one dollar a month. People used to laugh at me because I put so much effort into something that seemed so unrewarding.

But they’ve stopped laughing. Now they want to know how to do it too…


In the last three years, I’ve created a six-figure business on the back of my blogs.

The good news is that what I’ve done can be replicated by you. In fact, quite a few of our A-List Blogging students have replicated what we’ve done and are now earning a good living from their blogs. Bloggers like Steve Aitchison, Jules Clancy, Carol Tice and Scott Dinsmore – just to name a few.

If you are reading this post, you probably have a blog that you are proud of. It’s well-designed, has solid content, and your readership is growing. Now you are ready to take the next step — you want to make some money from your blog.

Many people try to create an income from their blog, but they don’t make a dime. I regularly get e-mails from people who tell me, “I’ve tried, but it just doesn’t work!”


If you want to achieve an income from your blog, you need a strong foundation.

A strong subscriber base is crucial because subscribers are the people who trust you, and who become your “tribe”. That’s why the precursor to this course, “Skyrocket Your Subscriber Count”, was all about building this foundation.

Once you’ve built up a loyal list of subscribers, you will have gained a potential customer/client base. Your blog can then become a lever to multiply your selling power.

There are many ways to leverage a blog….

You can –

  • market other peoples’ products;
  • attract clients or customers for your ‘offline’ business;
  • get clients for your online business;
  • promote your services;
  • sell physical products;
  • market digital products;
  • create online courses;
  • set up paid membership programs;
  • become a recognized expert or celebrity;
  • increase your chances in the job market;
  • set up ads

But remember, nothing happens without momentum. Creating momentum means creating buzz. It means getting people inspired, excited and ready to take action. There are some great strategies to build momentum. It’s not rocket science, but it does take detailed knowledge to get support, leverage and momentum all working together in the right way and at the right time.


When you do, it’s amazing what you can achieve – and what you can earn through your blog. It can truly turn your blog into a cash machine.

If you’re keen to learn, we can teach you how to take your blog to a new level where you can earn an additional income, or even make a great living.

So let’s get started right now with how to make your blog pay the bills for you!

Author:  Mary Jaksch