Conclusion: Review and Apply Money-Making Strategies

Congratulations! You have worked your way through the Make Money Blogging course!

If you have been taking your time and applying your new knowledge, you are probably already reaping a bit of income from your blog. If not, don’t worry. Patient and diligent application of these techniques will surely result in a steady stream of income from your blog.

It may not be enough to pay all of your bills right away – in fact, it probably won’t. But as you build your skills and increase your product and affiliate offerings, you will realize more and more income.

You will want to come back to this course again and again as you progress on your journey as an entrepreneurial blogger. As you can see, it is rich with a variety of techniques and systems for earning an income online.

Can you implement any more of the action steps from Make Money Blogging right now? Take action now, or create an action checklist for yourself to propel you and your blog forward to becoming a cash machine!


Here are some steps to consider:


  • If your blog has achieved 500 unique page views per day, have you installed a few appropriate ads using Google Adsense?
  • Have you considered freelancing for other blogs? If this could be a fit for you, have you pitched your services yet?
  • Have you created a product or considered creating one yet? If not, make a list of 5-10 possible products you could create and market on your blog.
  • Have you identified the key benefits of your product idea(s)? Have you considered ways to increase the value of your product (such as multiple forms of delivery)?
  • You’ve created a product! Have you spent time carefully developing an effective launch strategy? This can make or break the success of an excellent product. Be sure to review to articles in Module 5 about launches.
  • Have you considered creating a membership program around your blog topic? If this is part of your income plan, review the articles in Module 6 and create an action plan to move forward towards achieving this goal.

You are now well on your way to turning your blog into a business!