MODULE 2: Lift-Off Strategies that Create Momentum
Get the ball rolling on your blog’s growth by learning about the power of social media by implementing some tactics to capitalize on it. This module outlines reliable strategies to bring your blog up to 100+ subscribers.
Share bars encourage readers to share your posts. This gets more eyes on them and ultimately helps to grow your blog. Here are some tips on installing a simple share bar onto your blog so that your readers can just click and share.
Whether you love social networking or hate it, it is now a required part of your blogging and marketing strategy. These six steps will guide you on how to get the most out of social media with minimal time investment.
Maximize your efficiency on social media with tools that let you access several social networks at once. Learn to set up three top apps that many bloggers use. Most of them focus on the ‘big three’ networks.
It can be a challenge to grow your subscriber numbers when your blog has fewer than 500 subscribers. Here are five simple steps to gain momentum and get past that initial inertia.